FAQ: Mediumship & Tarot Readings


Tarot is the art of divination using a deck of cards rich with symbolism and imagery created for this purpose. Tarot originated in the 15th century and is based on various Italian card games. Today's tarot cards vary widely in style, art and meaning. I use the Connolly deck, which is a traditional deck based on Waite-Rider symbology. The tarot consists of 78 cards with different meanings depending on thier orientation and position in the layout.

I read the tarot like a mirror - it will show us a perspective of where things are headed in your life in the next six months provided all things remain the same. Divination is just a snap shot in time. We have free will and ultimate control over our lives, so we also have the power to change projected outcomes. The information that comes through during a tarot reading can be useful when you feel 'stuck' on a life issue or question, and would like some clarity on the deeper purpose our potential outcome.


Mediumship is the art of connecting spirit (a.k.a. loved ones who have crossed over) with those still living here on earth, bringing through meaningful messages and validating that a part of our soul lives on and we are always connected.

Each Medium is unique and uses different parts of their psychic intuition to interpret and communicate messages. The most common psychic senses we all have are clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing) and clairsentience (clear knowing). When I connect with your loved ones on the other side I generally 'see' them in my mind's eye and will describe how they appeared in their living life, their favorite traits and parts of their personality. Sometimes they'll flash me pictures of meaningful moments to validate it's really them (which is a lot like playing charades!). The stronger the connection the more I'll 'hear' what they have to say - I love when they play me songs that are meaningful! And beyond just saying 'hello', they'll often have some words of wisdom and peace to help us continue on in our daily lives.

My favorite part of these readings are witnessing the love and connection that endures between all of us here on earth and our family, friends and pets (yes! pets!) on the other side. It is a sacred honor to witness these reunions that forever reinforce that when this life is over, only love remains.


Well, for a tarot reading I’ll share some basic info for the first minute while I shuffle the cards. This gets us energetically connected and clears the cards. Next I'll ask you to set an intention and ask your question (either out loud or in the quiet of your heart). I'll then pull the cards and talk you through the story they're telling. I'll sometimes get intuitive or psychic hits during tarot readings and will share those as well, but rarely do loved ones come through during tarot readings as that takes a different kind of connection (see below).

For mediumship readings, the night or morning before your reading I ask you to invite your loved ones and guides to the reading and give them full permission to speak with me and my guides. You can do this through prayer, or speaking with them from your heart, or any method of setting intentions that resonates for you. This helps set the stage and strengthens the connection. The morning of your reading I'll meditate and bring through a few of your loved ones and their initial details. When I call you at your scheduled time later in the day, we'll review who's 'there' and can deepen the connection with questions or additional validations. A mediumship reading usually brings through one to four loved ones and lasts about 30 minutes.


They're actually very similar except the energetic wavelength varies. I like to explain it this way...our 'sixth sense' works a lot like a radio. When we tune into a strong channel close to home (our heart) this is called our intuition. Intuition is the gut feelings we get that keep us safe and help us know what others are feeling.

The next frequency we can tune to, psychic information, is outside our bodies and slightly higher in vibration. Psychic information primarily pops into our heads as sudden knowing, pictures or thoughts. When you think about a friend and they call you 5 minutes later, or you're thinking about ordering pizza for dinner when your partner blurts out 'let's get a pizza!' - that's what happens when we connect on a psychic level.

Mediumship and connecting with spirit on the other side happens on the next frequency up (and angels and guides are up here too, at varying levels). Information from the spirit world is different for everyone, but feels much different than psychic information. It takes a little more of our physical energy and focus to maintain the connection and the information tends to flow through super fast. Spirits on the other side also have to drop their vibration a bit to slow down enough to connect with us, so it's a bit of a 'meet in the middle' dance. Often our loved ones come to us in dreams where we're relaxed and most receptive, but they also send us signs and symbols in our daily life - all we have to do is ask, be patient and trust.


I died from a broken heart…


Washing Machines